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Grilled Chicken and Mushroom Tortellini

  • Prep Time
    20 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Serving
    5 People
  • View

Grilled chicken is an easy dinner, but what happens when you have a bunch leftover and microwaved chicken is kinda gross? Enter pasta, the universal solvent of the food world.

White wine and dill adds depth to the sauce, while pancetta and parmesan adds a savory, rich flavor.

This is an easy, balanced meal that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.



  • Daily Value*
  • Total Fat: 54.7g
  • Total Carbohydrates: 89.4g
  • Total Protein: 38.9g
  • Cholesterol: 235.7mg
  • Sodium: 1021.7mg


1 Step

In a deep skillet over medium heat, toss in the pancetta and sauté until the fat renders off and coats the bottom of the pan.

2 Step

Once the pancetta has been slightly browned, add the diced onions and sauté until they turn slightly translucent.

3 Step

Add the sliced mushrooms and cook until browned and tender, about 5 minutes, then add the garlic. Stir continuously to prevent burning. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to boil.

4 Step

Add the sliced grilled chicken to the skillet and stir until well incorporated. Add the white wine and cook until the wine reduces by half, about 2 minutes. Then add the cream, broccoli, and parmesan.

5 Step

By now the water should be boiling, add the tortellini and cook for 4 minutes.

6 Step

Strain the pasta and add it to the sauce, toss until evenly covered. Remove from heat and add the dill. Salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

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