Prep Time5 Mins
Cook Time5 Mins
Serving2 People
- Daily Value*
Total Fat: 31.8g48.4%
Total Carbohydrates: 23.9g9.6%
Total Protein: 32.4g32.4%
Cholesterol: 248.5mg82.6%
Sodium: 1607.6mg69.9%
Heat the olive oil in a shallow pan on low heat. While this is warming up, spread your dijon mustard over your slices of toast.

Crack your eggs into the pan. If the oil starts spattering, the pan is too hot. If the oil doesn't bubble at all, the pan is not hot enough. You should hear a low sizzle and the whites of your eggs will start to become opaque (about 2 minutes). Once the whites are totally opaque, Flip them over so the yolks cook on the other side (1 more minute for a slightly runny yolk). It's ok if the egg whites are folded onto themselves. Remove from heat and set aside.

Cut your avocado in half lengthwise and discard the pit. Thinly slice each half and lay it across your toasts.

Lay some arugula on top of the avocado and then lay the cooked egg on top of that.

Gently lay two slices of smoked salmon on each toast. Sprinkle with dill and flaked salt if you have them and enjoy!
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